And we can't forget the exercise bike and treadmill (both bought on Ebay), which I will not post pictures of, because I can't take pictures of them without you seeing what a terrible mess my house is (Scott holds the rank of Major Chaos, but I outrank him as General Disarray).
See I've thought about trying to get in better shape many times in the past. I'd buy the video, watch it through once, maybe attempt it once and then it just gathers dust. Apparently fitness can not be gained through osmosis. I'd join a gym go for few weeks, then once life starting interfering with the schedule I set, I wouldn't go back again. The longest I lasted at any gym was 7 months at Curves. I kind of liked that workout ("Change station now."), but once you don't go a couple times, it gets harder and harder to go back. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone else?
Then yoga came along. I've managed to stick with that for over a year. But even with yoga my good intentions often get foiled by this thing called life. Take tonight for instance. I really did intend to go to my yoga class, even in this heat. But then a server crashed in Chicago so I got stuck on the phone helping the client until well after 5. By the time I got to the Port Authority the lines for the buses were outrageously long because of some traffic snafu involving the Lincoln Tunnel. I didn't get home until almost 7:30. At that point there was no way to make it to my yoga class in time.
It was too hot to cook so I heated some leftovers (1/2 portion of chicken marsala, couscous, and steamed broccoli) in the microwave, then considered my exercise options. I could walk, but it's damn hot out and my legs need a break after yesterday's 6.6 mile hike. And that also takes the treadmill out of the equation. Then I remembered all these lovely videos that I owned so I thought I'd give one a try. So...
Today's exercise: The Biggest Loser Workout Cardio Max (level 1)
This was my most recent purchase, an impulse buy at the register in the grocery store. I watch "The Biggest Loser" all the time, usually while sitting on the couch eating ice cream or something else bad for me. I figured with the amount of weight these people drop, they have to know what they are doing. Of course, watching a show like "The Biggest Loser" causes the obsession with the number on the scale. You watch the number of pounds these people drop each week and they get disappointed with anything less than five. Five pounds! And some of these people drop double digits week after week! It makes my 4.3 pounds look kind of paltry. But then you have to remind yourself that they have the luxury of 1) exercising upwards of 6 hours a day, 2) constant access to trainers, and 3) people telling them how and what to eat. I know in my head that it is not possible to live a real life and drop like that. But it doesn't help the obsession.
I have to tell you, "The Biggest Loser Workout: Cardio Max" level one, kicked my ass. I was dripping with sweat when it was over and I kept having to stop and catch my breath. Egads. But afterwards as always I feel better for having done it.
I think that I'm going to do each and every one of the tapes I have. Add them in once a week. It will help with my need for variety.
Now I'm sweaty and really tired. Time to hit the showers and catch some zzzzzzz's.
Good Night Moon!
good girl! this reminds me of cat, my daughter. when she was *much* younger she went on a job interview. the application asked her to list her activities. she wrote that she loved watching exercise on tv and might try it some time. she got the job...
smiles, bee
I'm right there with you sistah princess. I have all the good intentions along with the doctor telling me I need to. It's just so hard. Espeically when that chocolate doughnut is calling your name!
I'm hanging in there with you!
love ya!
Ahh, yes. I'm horrible about the good intentions thing--and I can never seem so stick with anything. I'm convinced that this lifestyle change will be successful for the both of us. I, like you, despise public failure--it is not an option. So, if for no other reason than that, we'll get through it! I have been cheating a little worse than usual the past couple of days because I'm having my tonsils out next thursday, and I know I need to have my "normal" intake rather than my "weight loss" intake since I won't be eating real food for about a week. That'll take at least 10 pounds off me I'm sure. We shall see!
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