Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 30: One Month Down...the Tale of the Tape

I seem to have managed to get through a whole month eating pretty healthy and exercising pretty regularly. Well, at least more regularly than I used to. And what do I have to show for it? This is the story by the numbers:

Weight: 204.3 (-8.3 pounds, or 3.9% loss)
BMI: 32.0 (-1.3)
Waist: 38.5" ( -1")
Hips: 44" (-1")
Bust: 44" (-1")
Thighs: 24.25" (-1")
Upper Arms: 15" (-1")

I guess that is a decent start. I bet if I put a little more effort in on the exercise front, those numbers could be better next month, but isn't it funny how life gets in the way?

So at yoga tonight she had us do a lot of twisting moves with our midsection. I remember one day in class, Jody was discussing the benefit of these twisting moves. She said that it's good release for the liver, because the liver holds what? Of course, being the smart ass I am, I said, "Alcohol?" Apparently, that was the wrong answer, but it was a few minutes before she and the class recovered enough to continue. The right answer, according to Jody, is anger. I didn't know the liver held the anger. That seems a little strange to me. I mean, why doesn't the gall bladder hold the anger? It doesn't have a whole lot of other function and you can survive just fine without it. Imagine how happy people who have had their gall bladders removed would become. It's like a two for one surgery, removing your gall bladder and your anger in fell swoop. I should think people would be clamoring to have their gall bladder taken out if that were the case.

But, no, it's the liver that holds the anger. And it does make a certain amount of sense, especially when you consider that the liver produces bile and there's that old phrase about when some gets angry and they "feel the bile rise".

Anyway, I think there might be something to it. Often, if I'm pretty focused when doing the twisting moves, at least more focused on me then everything else, I come out of class feeling like I want to cry. Tonight was a good example. I thought I was fine when I went in there. I chatted happily with my brother and some yoga buddies before hand. But after class, it had completely changed. I got ticked off at my brother for moving so slowly and laughing at my impatience when I needed to get out of there and suddenly I was just sick and tired of having to live by everyone else's schedule. And I started to wonder why I always felt everyone else's needs and feelings always were more important than mine. I carried this mood all the way home with me. I was thisclose to stopping at the grocery store for ice cream or cupcakes. I drove home instead and went inside. I still wanted to eat something horribly bad for me. But the best I could come up with was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with sugar free preserves. I guess that's better than a whole box of Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls.

I think I've managed to tamp those feelings back down into my liver where they belong, to seep out occasionally during bouts of PMS. Perhaps a long weekend of drinking and carousing will send enough alcohol through my liver to kill the anger there. At the very least it should get the anger good and drunk and make it not really care for a while.

On the way home from work tomorrow night, I need to get a pedicure. It's been a few weeks. It's also part of my pre-trip ritual. That ought to make me feel better too. I love pedicures. I've been hooked since I got my first professional one about 4 years ago. Why did I ever think that I could cut my own toenails?

In two days, I'll be on a ship. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

Laura, Looks like your doing real good. Keep up the good work. As I see the numbers only one went the wrong way, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Big Ed is becoming 'Creepy Uncle' Big Ed. :)

Nanette said...

Congrats Laura! I often feel the same way you did after Yoga and is true taht when that happens i want to eat something very rewarding. Im still in no mood for diet. Glad is not much.Enjoy your trip.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you are doing great honey! two days??? good for you! i wish it was me! ha ha ha

and i love pedicures too!

smiles, bee

Welcome to the Madness said...

You go girl!
Take me with you!